marți, 8 august 2017

My short story

Hello,im Monica.
I don't even know how to begin... my life was a little messy from the day I was born. All my life I was continuously moving and climbing, always looking for "real me". While working many years, in different domains, with people (cultivating and improving my communication skills), I was feeling incomplete and I didn't knew why... but now I know. Something esencial was missing and that was modeling, everything related to fashion branch. No other domain/job could satisfy me as fashion does. So, with all the belief in me,I decided to never stop. There are no limits. Nothing will stay in my way to become one of the most wanted model of the world. SKY IS THE LIMIT!

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My last shooting

I have to share with you my last shooting. It was such a hot day and I had no necessary energy to shine. So, just arrived at the studio, t...