marți, 8 august 2017

Last shooting was ... It happened recently. Me and my lovely photographer were going to "the place". To me It was perfect. I've seen it a day before... but i forgot a small detail. So, taking the hole worderobe with us, I was running crazy speed on the highway because a nice storm was smiling at us. My photographer was so enthusiastic, knowing that we're gonna shoot in a beautiful location, untill the inevitable happend. We got lost in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, our enthusiasm was shattered. - Damn it, where are we going? Where's the fuckinn field? It's almost evening, we're out of town,on the highway with a fuel level very low and there's nothing to find. We decided to return back home, being very sad and disappointed. Driving determined, through the storm, a stunning haycock field jumped in front of my eyes. - Finally, God loves us. Outside was raining but we were runing crazy on the hill to set everything for the photo shooting. When we started, the sun was ascending beautifully through the haycocks. A beautiful panel was embracing us now. We did that shooting, after so many obstacles, with a great dedication and a satisfaction smile on our faces. I've learned that nothing can stop you when you really love what you do.

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My last shooting

I have to share with you my last shooting. It was such a hot day and I had no necessary energy to shine. So, just arrived at the studio, t...